I'm the worst liar in the world.
I can make excuses like nobody's business, but the second someone asks me a direct question the truth just flies out of my mouth. Yes, I ate your dessert while you were in the bathroom. No, I haven't quit smoking. Yes, I have an interview tomorrow.
I can't help it. Trust me, it's no high-minded conceit about Respecting The Truth, I just can't look someone in the eye and tell a believable lie. I can't do it. I'm good at keeping secrets, just as long as no one asks me about them. Or gets me drunk. It's like those murderers on any of the Law & Orders. The second someone slaps on the cuffs they start spilling their guts.
Which stinks, because even though your boss might ask a question maybe he doesn't always need to know the answer.
I'm all dressed up today and taking a late lunch because I have a doctor's appointment.
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Maybe I Should Try This
In related news, the Friendly Neighborhood Homeless Man has informed me that I be lookin' good lately. It is reassuring to know that when I lose 5 pounds, at least someone notices.
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Like the Wind Talks to the Trees
One of the highlights of the Fun Family Weekend: finding the soundtrack to a movie my sisters and I loooooooooooved when we were growing up for $1 at the thrifter and engaging in a top-of-the-lungs singalong all the way home.
I bought it on DVD yesterday too
* * * * *
Kisses to my brother for wrestling with my brakes and saving me $200. Now, if someone knows how to do air conditioning ...
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Damn, I AM Old
For some reason, I am now getting a free subscription to Redbook magazine. Oh goody, 10 Minute Wednesday Dinners and How To Make A White Picket Fence Headboard! Just what I was looking for.
bite me, Duchovny
I can make excuses like nobody's business, but the second someone asks me a direct question the truth just flies out of my mouth. Yes, I ate your dessert while you were in the bathroom. No, I haven't quit smoking. Yes, I have an interview tomorrow.
I can't help it. Trust me, it's no high-minded conceit about Respecting The Truth, I just can't look someone in the eye and tell a believable lie. I can't do it. I'm good at keeping secrets, just as long as no one asks me about them. Or gets me drunk. It's like those murderers on any of the Law & Orders. The second someone slaps on the cuffs they start spilling their guts.
Which stinks, because even though your boss might ask a question maybe he doesn't always need to know the answer.
I'm all dressed up today and taking a late lunch because I have a doctor's appointment.
Maybe I Should Try This
To the girl walking down Lake St. this morning with a snake - m4w - 24
Reply to:
Date: 2006-06-20, 7:28AM CDT
I just hope that wearing a snake doesn't become the next big thing...because snakes scare me.
But I do imagine it keeps the panhandlers away when necessary, so you got that going for 'ya.
In related news, the Friendly Neighborhood Homeless Man has informed me that I be lookin' good lately. It is reassuring to know that when I lose 5 pounds, at least someone notices.
Like the Wind Talks to the Trees
One of the highlights of the Fun Family Weekend: finding the soundtrack to a movie my sisters and I loooooooooooved when we were growing up for $1 at the thrifter and engaging in a top-of-the-lungs singalong all the way home.
I bought it on DVD yesterday too
Kisses to my brother for wrestling with my brakes and saving me $200. Now, if someone knows how to do air conditioning ...
Damn, I AM Old
For some reason, I am now getting a free subscription to Redbook magazine. Oh goody, 10 Minute Wednesday Dinners and How To Make A White Picket Fence Headboard! Just what I was looking for.
bite me, Duchovny