I wonder if JC Penny helped OK Go write the song featured in their new back to school ads. Hey, maybe they'll run the commercials at their next JC Penny mall concert!
It could be worse, I guess. Could be Kmart.
Fork This
It's the big Pitchfork music fest weekend in Chicago. Just like last year temps are slated to be in the upper 90's. "Heat stroke" is high on the list of things I could potentially do Saturday and Sunday. But the lineup makes me think it might be worth it. Spoon! The Silver Jews! Mountain Goats! That band with the dudes from Carissa's Wierd! I thought it was sold out but supposedly there will be some tickets available the day of. Not going? Click here and download the 'Fork's tasty free sampler of prime fest acts instead.
A note to antendees: the United Center isn't offering up parking this year, so the Ashland bus may be the way to fly. Also, you're allowed to bring personal cameras and sealed water bottles (last year, two per person). THIS IS A GOOD IDEA. Water is your friend. Also, don't forget sunscreen. And maybe a hat. Don't make me get maternal on your asses.