The Adventures of Ad Girl (dun da DUN!)
Just got back from another glamourous business trip to phunky Philadelphia, where my Art Director and I successfully conned a client into shooting one of our TV commercials. Yay, because I reeeeeeally need another TV spot on my reel, but BOO,they failed to choose the Tegan and Sara commercial. Asshats.
It was also bad news for the creative team from the other office. This has always been their client and up til now, they've only been allowed to do crap like FSIs. You know, those coupon sections that come in the Sunday paper? Now that's excitement! But, you know, they brought in their ideas and we brought in ours and people from my company read this blog so of course all the ideas were v. good, ours just hit the right chord. I should probably also leave out the part where I'm not sure this idea is really as big as it needs to be, if it can actually elevate the brand like we promised, or if the finished spot will be as downright killer as I assured the client it's gonna be. Doh.
In other news, last night was a pre-Thanksgiving vegetarian feast at the Tequilapartment. Jenna, Jenna's Platonic Boyfriend, and Tequila Sis Wendi gathered around the Tofurkey for a proper sendoff before the ladies hitch a ride on Orient Express Flight later today. Expecting a call from a Chinese prison early next week.
Sniff. The Meanest Landlord Ever says the dog has gots to go. So on Saturday I bid my little poop machine adieu as he sets off on his new life with friends Kristy and John. They will be good puppy parents, I know, but man do I love that little doggie.
Unfortch, I love my apartment even more.
My priorities suck.
Lady to guy friend, as they walk by: "Last time I was a pallbearer, my ring got stuck in the coffin."
The Frames "Star Star" (live)
"Boat" and
"Camera Shy" by the Lucksmiths
Missed Ted Leo and MichiganderSufjan Stevens last night.
Missing Kasey Chambers and Elf Power tonight. I never do anything fun anymore.
It was also bad news for the creative team from the other office. This has always been their client and up til now, they've only been allowed to do crap like FSIs. You know, those coupon sections that come in the Sunday paper? Now that's excitement! But, you know, they brought in their ideas and we brought in ours and people from my company read this blog so of course all the ideas were v. good, ours just hit the right chord. I should probably also leave out the part where I'm not sure this idea is really as big as it needs to be, if it can actually elevate the brand like we promised, or if the finished spot will be as downright killer as I assured the client it's gonna be. Doh.
In other news, last night was a pre-Thanksgiving vegetarian feast at the Tequilapartment. Jenna, Jenna's Platonic Boyfriend, and Tequila Sis Wendi gathered around the Tofurkey for a proper sendoff before the ladies hitch a ride on Orient Express Flight later today. Expecting a call from a Chinese prison early next week.
Sniff. The Meanest Landlord Ever says the dog has gots to go. So on Saturday I bid my little poop machine adieu as he sets off on his new life with friends Kristy and John. They will be good puppy parents, I know, but man do I love that little doggie.
Unfortch, I love my apartment even more.
My priorities suck.
Lady to guy friend, as they walk by: "Last time I was a pallbearer, my ring got stuck in the coffin."
The Frames "Star Star" (live)
"Boat" and
"Camera Shy" by the Lucksmiths
Missed Ted Leo and MichiganderSufjan Stevens last night.
Missing Kasey Chambers and Elf Power tonight. I never do anything fun anymore.