Birthday Present Idea #3
Seriously, this is so fucked up I don't even know what to say:
Once I found this squirrel in my backyard. He'd gotten blown out of a tree during a windstorm, and his back was broken. Now, I'm no fan of squirrels - they're rats with a better wardrobe - but the poor thing was panicky and panting and sort of twitching his front paws around. I don't know how long he'd been there, but clearly he was dying. Leaving him to suffer for another hour or two was out of the question, so I ran upstairs and begged one of the cops to, um, "handle it." He found a two-by-four and I hid in the house. I couldn't watch but I heard the awful thuds, and when the cop came back in I thought we both might throw up. It was horrible.
So why again is this seal hunt necessary? It brings income to poorish coastal areas, and culls the herd, more cod for us, blah blah blah. Fine. But really?
Not get all PETA on you, but maybe think about throwing a few bucks to the U.S. Humane Society, if you can afford it. Or get warm fuzzies in more than one way by buying some cute mittens from their shop:
Also, Michigan Senator Carl Levin (who totally rocks) needs a co-sponsor for Senate Resolution 33 condemning Canada's seal hunt. Call or write your Senators and tell them to get their asses in gear. They work for YOU, dammit. You can find your Senator's contact information here.
Up Next: The Evils of Veal, and Telemarketing - Tool of the Devil