Typical Thanksgiving
Football √
Naps √
Board games √
Cute babies √
8 hours in traffic √
Embarrassing childhood stories told to Boyfriend √
Embarrassing incident with baby monitor √
Lesbian french-kissing dog √
Near death experience √
Walk the Line
I loved this movie just as much as I thought I would, minus the parts I couldn't hear because some crazy old bat two rows over was CHOMPING on CHEETOS as LOUDLY as ANY HUMAN HAS EVER CHEWED FOOD ANYTIME BEFORE EVER. Many thanks to the girl in front of us who finally went over and told Grandma to shut her toothless yap or everyone in the theater was going to pin her down and steal all her doilies.
Goodbye. Again.
I will be in NYC tomorrow til Thursday on bizznast. Hopefully I will catch a show with my favorite yeti. Also, I will briefly fantasize about raiding the hotel minibar on the company dime before walking my ass to the corner store for a can of Pabst. Expense accounts: less fun than you think.
Happy Birthday Sissy-poo!
Andrea does the robot