The Gambler
You know how you see those news stories about groups of co-workers throwing five bucks in a pool for lottery tickets and winning a multi-million dollar jackpot? It's heartwarming and all, but how much would you hate to be one of their other co-workers, who didn't chip in five bucks and ended up with zilch? Especially if they asked if you wanted in but you didn't have any cash on you, or maybe you decided save that fiver for a stop at Mickey D's on the way home instead. How do you even come to work the next day? Or ever again? How do you not physically DIE of jealousy?
This morning I gave Dylan my last two bucks for lunch money.
If my co-workers win the Megamillions Jackpot tonight, that will be the piece of pizza that cost me my sanity.
This morning I gave Dylan my last two bucks for lunch money.
If my co-workers win the Megamillions Jackpot tonight, that will be the piece of pizza that cost me my sanity.