Super Dud
Well that sucked. It started off great, but boy the ending blew.
First quarter optimism
At least the snacks I made for the party turned out right:
march of the cream cheese & olive penguins
There's always next year, I guess.
WANTED: Place to send son for next 364 days. Pls advise.
CONGRATS to Hot Married Boyfriend and his Real Life Wife on the birth of their gorgeous little baby daughter, Harper Elizabeth. Even her name is adorable.
Well that sucked. It started off great, but boy the ending blew.
First quarter optimism
At least the snacks I made for the party turned out right:
march of the cream cheese & olive penguins
There's always next year, I guess.
WANTED: Place to send son for next 364 days. Pls advise.
CONGRATS to Hot Married Boyfriend and his Real Life Wife on the birth of their gorgeous little baby daughter, Harper Elizabeth. Even her name is adorable.