Hey, if you ask me to take notes during a meeting, don't be surprised when they come back full of double entredres, inappropriate language, and repeated references to my own hottness. Staffing plans and revenue forecasts are azz-boring.
Meeting Highlight
The company president casually mentioned an employee who had one of those "online journal things" which was hilarious but they had to ask him to take it down because it was "too much." I could feel everyone looking at me but I just kept taking my notes. NOTE TO SELF: You will probably be getting fired soon. Also, we are out of milk.
Meeting Highlight
The company president casually mentioned an employee who had one of those "online journal things" which was hilarious but they had to ask him to take it down because it was "too much." I could feel everyone looking at me but I just kept taking my notes. NOTE TO SELF: You will probably be getting fired soon. Also, we are out of milk.