Hi, My Name Is...
The CEO actually gave this his blessing. Sucka!
The Cost of Puppy Sitting:
One extremely cute pair of red undies.
One Word Oscar Summaries
Because brevity is the soul of wit, and also excellent when you're lazy.
Chris Rock: heh
Sean Penn: ass
The Aviator: shuddup
Antonio Banderas: shampoo
Antonio Banderas: shuddup
Beyonce: again?
Beyonce: SHUDDUP
Cate Blanchett: adorable
Kirsten Dunst: wig
Jake Gyllenhaal: yummers
Penelope Cruz: assbow
Kate Winslet: tittilating
Natalie Portman: yowza
Charlize Theron: scary
Morgan Freeman: love
Charlie Kaufman: LOVE
Josh Groban: die
The Nard: die
Prince: unimpressed
P. Diddy: confused
Johnny Depp: shave
Hillary Swank: yawn
Jamie Foxx: rerun
Clint Eastwood: eh
Million Dollar Baby: whatever