Protesting the Coronation
32 hours on a bus. 2 hours in a security checkpoint line. 4 hours on wet, frozen feet waiting for the Inauguration parade to start. All for 5 seconds of giving Bush the finger in person. Totally worth it.
The line to go through the security checkpoint was over a city block long and 25 people wide. Thousands of people, mostly protesters, waited in line for two hours to get in. It seemed a little hinky that it was taking so long for them to let us in, like maybe they wanted us to give up and go home. That, or possibly freeze to death. Finally though we got our overly-intimate pat downs and were let through to Pennsylvania Avenue. We headed for the ANSWER anti-war rally, the first organized inaugural protest ever allowed on Pennsylvania Avenue.
SIGN: Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.
It was an anti-war rally but really every issue was covered: gay rights, women's rights, worker's rights, the Bill of Rights. You know, all the rights the Right hates. US Rep Cynthia McKinney gave a kickass speech, as did former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark. I'm told Nicholas Berg's dad spoke too, but unfortunately we missed him.
I'd say there were about 10,000 in our little area, and then more people lining the street as far as you could see in either direction. There were special viewing areas set up for Bushies too, and in an awesome turn of events, they had to walk through the protesters to get to them. You've never seen so many scared whiteys in fur coats in your life. For the most part, the Repubes were quiet and non-confrontational, perhaps even a little sheepish. I simply gave them the peace sign as they walked past, but other folks weren't so gentle. The chant "DRAFT REPUBLICANS FIRST" was extremely popular and enjoyed many repeat performances.
SIGN: wtf?
5 hours after we got there, the parade FINALLY started, big buses of Bushies going by first. The crowd boo'ed and gave them the finger. A limosine with a big W on the side drove by. The crowd boo'ed and gave it the finger. The parade emcee: "And that was former President Bill Clinton who just passed..." The crowd: "Doh!"
Rummy went by. He got the finger.
The Army marching band went by. They got two peace signs (me) and the finger (everyone else).
Finally the Arse in Chief himself rolled up in a bulletproof limo. The crowd went fucking apeshit. A deafening round of boos; many, many one finger salutes. For five seconds he couldn't pretend that half the country didn't hate his fucking guts. It was right in front of his face. It was ringing in his ears. For five seconds, 10,000 people stood there and represented half this nation and 98% of the world. It was the face of dissent, and I love that as he started his stupid parade and four new years of fucking things up, that's the first thing he saw.
SIGN: Today I'm heartbroken. But all the beautiful people here give me hope for tomorrow.
And that's exactly how I felt as we got back on the bus to come home. There are dark days ahead, no doubt, but there are also people working to make things better.
SIGN: Stop bitching. Start a revolution.
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In a move that surprised absolutely no one, the Chicago PD continued to earn their reputation as complete fucking assholes. Our ever-professional boys in blue openly jeered at protesters' signs and shirts, trying to bait them into action. Way to represent, jerks.
Also, here are pictures of Wendi getting into it with some DC cop. He didn't want his picture taken. So of course we took it twice.
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The reporter who wrote this article in the NY Times must have been standing next to us the entire time. Read it or die.
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Pictures were taking too long to load, so I moved them here.
The line to go through the security checkpoint was over a city block long and 25 people wide. Thousands of people, mostly protesters, waited in line for two hours to get in. It seemed a little hinky that it was taking so long for them to let us in, like maybe they wanted us to give up and go home. That, or possibly freeze to death. Finally though we got our overly-intimate pat downs and were let through to Pennsylvania Avenue. We headed for the ANSWER anti-war rally, the first organized inaugural protest ever allowed on Pennsylvania Avenue.
It was an anti-war rally but really every issue was covered: gay rights, women's rights, worker's rights, the Bill of Rights. You know, all the rights the Right hates. US Rep Cynthia McKinney gave a kickass speech, as did former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark. I'm told Nicholas Berg's dad spoke too, but unfortunately we missed him.
I'd say there were about 10,000 in our little area, and then more people lining the street as far as you could see in either direction. There were special viewing areas set up for Bushies too, and in an awesome turn of events, they had to walk through the protesters to get to them. You've never seen so many scared whiteys in fur coats in your life. For the most part, the Repubes were quiet and non-confrontational, perhaps even a little sheepish. I simply gave them the peace sign as they walked past, but other folks weren't so gentle. The chant "DRAFT REPUBLICANS FIRST" was extremely popular and enjoyed many repeat performances.
5 hours after we got there, the parade FINALLY started, big buses of Bushies going by first. The crowd boo'ed and gave them the finger. A limosine with a big W on the side drove by. The crowd boo'ed and gave it the finger. The parade emcee: "And that was former President Bill Clinton who just passed..." The crowd: "Doh!"
Rummy went by. He got the finger.
The Army marching band went by. They got two peace signs (me) and the finger (everyone else).
Finally the Arse in Chief himself rolled up in a bulletproof limo. The crowd went fucking apeshit. A deafening round of boos; many, many one finger salutes. For five seconds he couldn't pretend that half the country didn't hate his fucking guts. It was right in front of his face. It was ringing in his ears. For five seconds, 10,000 people stood there and represented half this nation and 98% of the world. It was the face of dissent, and I love that as he started his stupid parade and four new years of fucking things up, that's the first thing he saw.
And that's exactly how I felt as we got back on the bus to come home. There are dark days ahead, no doubt, but there are also people working to make things better.
In a move that surprised absolutely no one, the Chicago PD continued to earn their reputation as complete fucking assholes. Our ever-professional boys in blue openly jeered at protesters' signs and shirts, trying to bait them into action. Way to represent, jerks.
Also, here are pictures of Wendi getting into it with some DC cop. He didn't want his picture taken. So of course we took it twice.
The reporter who wrote this article in the NY Times must have been standing next to us the entire time. Read it or die.
Pictures were taking too long to load, so I moved them here.